Bridging Business and Culture Through Public Art

Over recent years, Toronto’s rapid expansion brought with it new condos and developments, and, along with it, a new class of graphics for hoarding including public art that’s meant to relieve the eyesore of messy construction sites.

How rethinking construction graphics for hoarding will beautify Toronto’s streetscape

The Importance of Toronto’s Public Art Bylaw

With the introduction of a new Toronto bylaw, public art started to make its way on the fencing around construction sites, also known as construction hoarding. Typically, hoarding has two main roles. Firstly, to ensure site security and, secondly, to advertise the undergoing project in order to increase sales and awareness.

How Rethinking Construction Graphics for Hoarding Will Beautify Toronto’s Streetscape

By stating that 50% of construction hoarding needs to be used for community art if it is on part of the public right of way, the bylaw changed the way construction hoarding is used, turning it into a canvas for public art. In addition to benefiting the community, covering more than half of the hoarding with art comes with incentives for developers as well, by reducing hoarding permit fees.

About The PATCH Project

All images courtesy of The PATCH Project.

Pioneering the way in this forward thinking movement is The PATCH Project, which stands for Public Art through Construction Hoarding. PATCH, whose host charity is The Steps Initiative, aims to connect local artists with developers and “curate the city, one site at a time”[1].

The full-service non-profit public arts agency helps developers go beyond marketing graphics by finding the right balance between ads and art. In this unprecedented movement, developers work with local artists to create show-stopping pieces that are meant to generate conversation and interest around the project.

Toronto’s Bylaw Supports PATCH Construction Hoarding Exhibits

With the rapid expansion of condo developments, one thing is for sure: giving back to the community by rethinking construction hoarding is a win-win situation for all those involved.

Greenloc is proudly supporting The PATCH Project initiative. For more information about PATCH, contact Philippa French at
