RBC Case Study – Modular Hoarding
RBC renovation case study of modular hoarding in Toronto showing how reusable panels can be re-positioned as construction progresses and hoarding requirements change.
Reusable, Modular Hoarding
For the RBC plaza renovation, use of modular hoarding from Greenloc delivered a flexible and cost effective solution to provide safety while maximizing spending on signage for the duration of the construction project.
Phase 1:
- Modular hoarding: For this ample commercial renovation at RBC Plaza, Prodigy Retail Construction a versatile hoarding solution that can be easily moved around as construction progresses. As a modular system, Greenloc was installed and later rotated for the work to continue on the other side of the wall.
- Time efficiency: The first phase of the hoarding was installed over 54 hours during one weekend with a crew of 6-8 people. The equivalent of installing drywall would have taken a minimum of 7 days, including lengthy processes to mud, tape and paint the structure.
- Project management: In a retail setting, after works work is essential to avoid traffic disruption. Over 200 linear feet of hoarding were installed during 3 evenings, after 7PM.
Project Details
Prodigy Retail Construction
200 Bay Street, Toronto
Install Method
Tapcon into the floor; ceiling tie off
19 ft high (tallest wall)
June 2021 – February 2022
Phase 2:
- Dismantling and reinstalling: A crew of 8 workers dismantled the 19 foot wall in one evening and reinstalled during one weekend over the course of 40 hours.
- Clean: With the clean Greenloc PVC panels, minimal clean-up was needed and most of the parts could be reused, saving time and reducing drywall waste.
The result? The hoarding was easily flipped it around, showing the pristine blue RBC graphics on the customer-facing side, while the construction would carry on the backside of the wall.
Click the link for more information about our services offering indoor modular construction hoarding.